For a more sustainable agriculture For a more sustainable agriculture Sometimes a solution is in plain sight. That’s why we look to nature to provide conventional agriculture with an unconventional solution. Take our breakthrough launch products, NURSEED and NURSPRAY, with their novel bio-based active ingredient drawn from plant cell walls. Incredibly, we found this biomolecule harbours a hidden property: it’s a ‘signal’ molecule capable of ‘priming’ crops to cope with abiotic stresses such as temperature, drought and flooding. Already approved in the EU, USA and Africa, farmers can use these stress-beating biostimulants to maintain and improve crop yields in a changing climate. Our bio-based technology discovery platform combines nature and science. We’re building a biomolecule development pipeline to discover, develop and commercialise new plant protection products for the world’s crops, to speed the transition to sustainable agriculture. Identified through original research, our proprietary biomolecules comprise biostimulants, herbicide bioenhancers and biocontrol products. To make it possible, it’s time for a new chapter in plant protection. Our science – the science of biopossible – focuses on harnessing biomolecules. New, safer ways to protect the world’s crops. Helping farmers effect an easier transition towards more responsible, more sustainable agricultural practices. At Fyteko, we’re not just bio-based but science-based. Our science develops new biomolecules that will empower farmers to increase and optimise their crop yields, through safer, smarter and more sustainable agronomic practices. A web page is so impersonal, but at Fyteko we celebrate collaboration.
biopossibilitiesScience inspired by nature
We’re Fyteko
We believe the world deserves a more sustainable agriculture
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We enjoy nothing more than sharing our vision of the biopossible with those who want to know more.
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